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Your Support Directly Impacts A Man's Life

Every dollar donated to My Father’s House helps a man build stability in his life: his job, finances and transportation.
Most importantly, it helps him build strength in forming relationship.

Your support directly impacts a man's life

Monthly Bus Pass
Weekly Community Dinners on Sundays
eBike Yearly Maintenance
Monthly Cell Phone Bill with Parole Monitoring
Monthly Computer Access & Monitoring, per House
Basic Needs Upon Release, per Participant (groceries, clothing and hygiene goods)
1st Month's Rent & Deposit Upon Release
Annual Auto Insurance & Maintenance, per Vehicle

Support via PayPal

Please Consider Making a Monthly Donation

Recurring Donations Help Us to Plan for The Future

Venmo @MFHDenver

Prefer to send a check? 
Here’s our mailing address:

My Father’s House
PO Box 441491
Aurora, CO 80044-1491
My Father’s House is a federal 501(c)(3) tax exempt nonprofit organization registered in Colorado.
Your donation is tax deductible.

More Ways to Support My Father's House

Thank you for your support.